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To further strengthen user credibility and authenticity, we incentivize users to privately verify their crypto and NFTs by bonding zkCertificates launched by POMP. Bonding these zkCertificates to your profile proves that you are the owner of a certain token/NFT without having to disclose your privacy and data. You’ll then match with other users who hold the same verified assets/NFTs as you.

How to Mint your zkCertificate from POMP

  1. Go to to start minting your zkCertificate. Once there, press ‘Launch App’ to begin.


  1. You’ll be directed to the minting page. Next, click ‘Connect Wallet’ to connect your Manta Wallet. If you haven’t installed the Manta Wallet, you can click here to download and install the extension or visit the Chrome store. Once you’ve installed the Manta Wallet, click ‘Enter’ and press ‘Connect MetaMask’ to connect your desired MetaMask wallet address.

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  1. Time to mint your zkCertificate and verify your asset! First, select which chain your asset is on. Next, choose whether you would like to verify a token or NFT. Then, choose from the selection of tokens or NFTs that POMP allows you to verify. POMP will detect the assets in your MetaMask address, so you can only verify the assets that you actually own.
  2. Choose the range that you’d like to display on your certificate. For example, if you have more than 200 in value of a token, you can select >200 range.

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  1. Then press ‘Start to MINT’, approve both MetaMask and Manta Wallet’s signature requests, and finally press ‘OK, mint it’. You’ve successfully minted your respective zkCertificate!