Withdraw Your Manta Tokens to ETH Mainnet.
- Navigate to the Manta Pacific Native Bridge
- Click “Connect wallet” in the upper right hand side of your screen.

- Click "Withdraw," select $MANTA, and enter the amount of tokens you wish to withdraw for deposit into the Symbiotic pre-staking pool.

- First Approve and Authorize the transaction, then click “Withdraw”.
- A pop-up will appear displaying a preview of your withdraw, Checkmark the message and Click “Initiate Withdrawal”.

- once you are done with initiating the Withdrawal, Please come back after 45 Minutes to prove Withdrawal.
- After “Prove Withdrawal “ , come back after 3 days to claim your MANTA tokens on ETH mainnet.
Supply Manta Tokens to Symbiotic Re-Staking Pool.
- Navigate to the Symbiotic’s MANTA restaking page
- simply click ‘Connect Wallet’ in the upper-right corner of your screen.
- On the right-hand side, choose the amount of MANTA you’d like to deposit into the Symbiotic restaking protocol, then click ‘Deposit’.

- A pop-up will appear displaying a preview of your deposit, first authorize Symbiotic to stake your MANTA, then confirm the final restaking transaction through your wallet.
- Click on the Dashboard in the top menu bar to get an overview of your deposits, points, and Assets.