Withdraw Your Manta Tokens to ETH Mainnet.

  1. Navigate to the Manta Pacific Native Bridge
  2. Click “Connect wallet” in the upper right hand side of your screen.


  1. Click "Withdraw," select $MANTA, and enter the amount of tokens you wish to withdraw for deposit into the Symbiotic pre-staking pool.


  1. First Approve and Authorize the transaction, then click “Withdraw”.
  2. A pop-up will appear displaying a preview of your withdraw, Checkmark the message and Click “Initiate Withdrawal”.


  1. once you are done with initiating the Withdrawal, Please come back after 45 Minutes to prove Withdrawal.
  2. After “Prove Withdrawal “ , come back after 3 days to claim your MANTA tokens on ETH mainnet.

Supply Manta Tokens to Symbiotic Re-Staking Pool.

  1. Navigate to the Symbiotic’s MANTA restaking page
  2. simply click ‘Connect Wallet’ in the upper-right corner of your screen.
  3. On the right-hand side, choose the amount of MANTA you’d like to deposit into the Symbiotic restaking protocol, then click ‘Deposit’.


  1. A pop-up will appear displaying a preview of your deposit, first authorize Symbiotic to stake your MANTA, then confirm the final restaking transaction through your wallet.
  2. Click on the Dashboard in the top menu bar to get an overview of your deposits, points, and Assets.